The Black Inferiority Agenda

Exposing how white superiority is built on Black inferiority.
The manipulation & brainwashing of Black men & Black women.

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Click the texts in red to view these additional videos:

Find out why I’m no longer on YouTube
This is why you should join my Patreon.
The skin bleaching story – From Black to white.
Colorism, featurism, self hate and beauty standards in the Black community.
Is light skin privilege real?
Why are white women so jealous of Black women.
Racist white women and the self hating Black men that date them.
You’re short ugly, out of shape and you hate Black women.
Agents in the Black community exposed – The new cointelpro. 
Why Black people need to stop supporting asian businesses.

What is cultural appropriation.
How to turn straight hair into curly afro hair.
Blackfishing – white women pretending to be Black women.
Black people invented everything.
What’s the difference between race and nationality.

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