Exposing Black people working as undercover agents for white supremacy. Agents in the Black community exposed. The new cointelpro.
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Are they really Black people?
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Smh all bout the dollar, got people making money off the self hate hope they happy in the end
We should separate we must separate from within and outside the community.
The key to end racism is if life for Black people (Africans) where allowed to proceed forward naturally, without racist interference, white people would be breeded-out. White people are at a minus birth rate (more of them are dying then are being born). If white people don’t infuse their recessive genes into our melenated pool, they will cease to exist. Hence, this is why racism will never end. We are at war IKYG Family!!!!!!
Our open enemy is always at hand, never resting, never taking a day off. These devils are constantly going at us, against us, and stop us at every turn. Everytime we have our own successful businesses, finances, and towns, the white man burns them down. Then they lynch/kill black people, and steal our land. Now we are laying down with them and having their children. We must separate ourselves from them and have our own everything if we are to survive in this country. We black people are on the verge of extinction and don’t yet realize it. Some of us are still asleep. Thank you Angel for your thorough research and eye opening commentary!
Angel Ramirez Jordan
Thank You🙏🏾
Thank you 🙏🏾‼️. This is disturbing but true.
👉🏿How the f*ck did some 21st century Blacks suck up and enjoy so much self hatred.
🔥In my lifetime and in reading history, I have never seen so many BLACK Agents of racial destruction against the Black Community. WHY❓
🔥Also I want to mention that Black Americans also have foreign enemies in the U.S.
Yes Immigrants, some of whom are African, and Indian that have adopted white supremacists ideas and behaviors thinking it will advance their lives.
🔥More and more mean-spirited, racist white people are making it there business to show up in conversations of Black people only to spew racist remarks and actions
🔥The photos to this video are outstanding
I’m now aware of this, we have house negros all over our community and it must stop. Before we go after our opressor, let’s go after the sell outs of our people. I’m not going to stand nor tolerate any person from our own that wants to wipe us from the face of the earth, I’m getting ready to fight. We can do this as africans. In the words of the prophet Marcus Garvey ” Up you mighty race, accomplish what you will”.
And then there is Grand Master Jay/NFAC. When the real thing comes along they cannot believe it because it does not look like the slave master’s bible says it will…
Great vid! But I have noticed there is a great amount of white people pretending to be black online. Just the other day a white professor I believe was caught posing as a black women on twitter
This video is sad but true…my neighbors are black just like me but they fight us and support the other neighbors that hate us. They have children with them and have breeded themselves out of existence having children with them. They are very loyal to their new handlers. It’s very hard for me to trust my own people…they have turned on me.
I don’t think anything hurts more than to see the division, miles wide, between not only the true Huemans, but the true Gods and Goddesses of this world. Everyone talks about pollution of the air, land and sea, but the worst destruction on this planet, is that of its original children of the Earth 🌍
So much healing is needed….We are all we have ❤️