Why Black People Need To Stop Supporting Asians

Black Men & Black Women – Stop Spending Your Money In The Asian Community & Making Asians Rich. Stop Supporting Asians With Black Money.

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“Stop Supporting Asians With Black Money.” 
That phrase alone may raise a few eyebrows. 

When you say Black people need to stop supporting asian people, a lot of people including Black men and Black women will think you’re being hateful towards the asian community. In addition to calling you a racist. 

This video is not about hating asian people. It’s about loving Black people and supporting the Black community above all else. Because we need to start putting Black people first. By spending  money in the asian community we’re making asian people rich and giving them the green light to continue to disrespect us. 

Take a look at how asian people treat Black people in Africa, African Americans in the United States. Black people in the United Kingdom and in the Caribbean. With no consequences for the ill treatment many of us face from them. And what’s even more shocking is we continue to fill their pockets. What’s equally shocking is too many of us will make excuses. 

Black money and economics are very important. This video will educate you on the importance of spending money within your community.

This video discusses the importance of Black owned business in the united states, the united kingdom, Africa and the Caribbean. And also discusses the natural hair industry. 

Only by coming together as a people and making our money speak for us can we demand respect. In other words, the time is now for us to become free in every sense of the word and no longer dependant on those who don’t care about us and only like our money.

African Americans, afro Caribbeans and African people alike must unite. and spend their money on Black businesses. Black dollars, Black pounds, Black euros, Black money matters. 

Stop giving money to people that hate you. Money speaks volumes and we must put our money where our mouth is. 

I hope you enjoy this video and it makes you think. Please leave a comment below with your thoughts.