Where Are All The Good Single Black Men?

A message to Black women that claim there are no good Black men. Let’s discuss “where are all the good Black men?” & interracial dating.

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Why Black women don’t want us.
Stop Bashing Black women!
Why some Black men hate Black women.
These Black men express their undying love for Black women.
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Where are ALL the good single Black men?

Are they hiding?

It seems like many Black women have a problem: they can’t seem to find a good man. This drought of good Black men has prompted some Black women in the community to say that good Black men don’t even exist.

So many Black women are now scrapping the idea of Black love and moving towards interracial dating. 

Dating Sites

There is now even a plethora of dating sites aimed at Black women that can’t find a good Black man. That’s not to say that these dating sites are helping Black women find these “elusive” good Black men. No, not at all. These dating sites are interracial dating sites, steering Black women towards white and asian men. 

A long with the help of social media, commercials, TV shows and movies, pushing the image of Black men as no good, baby mama making, child support dodging thugs, has started to become the norm, in terms of perceived stereotypes. 
There’s also a long list of misconceptions that the majority of African American men are either in jail, without a high school diploma, don’t have jobs, don’t make enough money, aren’t attracted to Black women, have lots of kids  or are out of shape.

Some myths about Black men are he’s not going to college. He’s not interested in you because he’s interested in dating women of other ethnicities. … Or, he’s just not available to you because maybe he’s in jail, or just not healthy, or addicted.

Black women get those messages all the time. Coincidently, what has happened is that some Black women have started to internalize these messages and believe these stereotypes. Is this a insidious agenda?

Is there really only 3 Black men to every 100 Black women?

The short answer is no.
There are more than enough eligible Black men for Black women. But what if you’re limiting your dating pool to Black men of a particular nationality, ethnicity or culture? Does he have to be African American? Could he be Afro Jamaican? Afro Colombian? Afro Puerto Rican? Nigerian or Ghanaian? There are so many different nationalities of men of African descent. And you don’t have to travel overseas to find them. I’m not saying get on 90 day fiancé and bag you a man that wants a green card, lol no not at all. These men all live on your door step.


People of African descent are everywhere. They are in your city, on your street, even in your apartment building. Hopefully not in your house…. Well, if they’re in your house and they’re supposed to be here, then why are you looking for another man? hmmmm??? I jest lol.

But seriously, we are out there. In my research when the statistics for Black love are being published they’re only highlighting African American people rather than people of African descent. 

In search of Black love

So let’s take a look at some numbers. According to a 2019 Pew Research study, 75 percent of recently married Black men were married to Black women. In other words, African American men that marry Black women are the norm. That percentage was even higher for college educated men and those who earned more than $100,000 per year, according to some Howard University researchers who delved deeper into the statistics.

Also contrary to popular belief there are a slew of Black men out-there looking for a relationship with Black women, but can’t find the right match or keep getting rejected. 

So watch this video and let me know your thoughts below. What are your experiences with dating?