Why Don’t Black Men Want Black Women?

Why Don’t Black Men Want Black Women? Why Do Black Men Hate Black Women?

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Why Black women don’t want us.

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Losers that hate Black women ALWAYS look like this.

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A search on places like YouTube for videos about Black women made by Black men, may lead you to believe that Black men hate Black women. Or even that Black women are not the preferred choice for Black men. 

So you might ask yourself “Why do Black men hate Black women?” as well as “why don’t Black men want Black women?”

With social media constantly pushing an anti Black love narrative & portraying Black men & Black women relationships as dysfunctional, it’s very understandable why Black women may eventually come to the conclusion that Back men don’t want them.


How disheartening must it be for Black women to constantly be told how unattractive, angry & ghetto they are. As well as to also constantly be told how much of a problem they are to the Black community? How painful must it be to see the men who are supposed to protect you & love you the most, disrespect, hate you, uplift & choose other races of women on a constant basis.

But is this actually a true representation of what most Black men feel towards Black women? Or is this just a case of anti Black love manipulation? 

Some Black women may say that they love Black men, and regardless of what happens they will always love them. However, I need Black men to understand that love is not unconditional. Love comes with conditions. The conditions that we treat Black women like Queens. In addition to that we must also be worthy of their love.


There are so many videos online of Black men disrespecting Black women. Sadly these videos get so many views. I believe partly the main reason for this is because we are drawn o negativity. For this reason I decided to title this video in this way. Not for clickbait. It’s because I know there will be women searching online for reasons as to “why do Black men hate Black women?” or “why don’t Black men want Black women”. In conclusion I want those women to stumble on this video & hear all of these men expressing their love for Black women. 

Black women have always had to be independent and strong. They have always had to rely on themselves and….. defend themselves. They are taught from an early age to not rely on anyone else for validation and in a society that constantly focuses on tearing them down, sometimes it’s nice to hear positive things rather than the constant negatives. 

Check out this video and hear my thoughts. Comment your thoughts below.