Why Black Women Don’t Want Us

Why I love Black Women – A Message To Black Men.

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This video that is a message to Black men, was originally created in 2014.

I know many Black women may see this video as a message that says “why I love Black women”. Of course I do love you, with all of my heart. 

But this video is for Black men, I want Black men to understand the necessity of expressing your love to Black women. I want Black men to realise that if we don’t change our ways and change how we treat Black women, then Black women will leave us.

Some Black women may say that they love Black men, and regardless of what happens they will always love Black men. But I need Black men to understand that love is not unconditional. Love comes with conditions. The conditions that we treat Black women like Queens. That we must also be worthy of their love.


There are so many videos online from different races of men that say “why I love Black women”. These videos have so many views. It’s sad that it just takes a few sweet words to get attention. But for one moment, don’t look at it as Black women preferring to hear these things from white or asian men, but instead see it as a group of women that are lacking the necessary love they require from their own men. 

Black women have always had to be independent and strong. They have always had to rely on themselves and….. defend themselves. They are taught from an early age to not rely on anyone else for validation and in a society that constantly focuses on tearing them down, sometimes it’s nice to hear positive things rather than the constant negatives. 

When men from your own race are all over the internet attacking and bashing you, it becomes very easy for white and asian men to just pop up and say “I love their lips”, because something as simple as that, can mean a lot in an ocean full of narratives that say “they’re too dark, ugly, hair too nappy, too ghetto, too rude”. 

Check out this video and hear my thoughts. Comment your thoughts below.