Can You Be In An Interracial Relationship & Be Pro-Black?

Can you be Pro Black while in an interracial relationship? Speaking Black while sleeping white? Swirling contradictions.

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So the question is, can a person be Pro Black AND in an interracial relationship? Believe it or not there REALLY is a SIMPLE Black and white answer. It’s not that difficult. 

How can a person be Pro Black and be in a relationship with someone who benefits from a system that oppresses black people? 

I’ve addressed this topic many times. However, it seems that so many people are confused on this topic of what it actually means to be Pro Black. There really needs to be a concise definition of “pro Black” in the dictionary. I’ve tried my best with this video to give you that definition. 

Social Media

All over the internet there are endless videos and articles from Black people in interracial relationships professing their allegiance to the Pro Black cause. Swearing to God and their mama that they are indeed Pro-Black. How dare you take away their pro-Black, ankh wearing, dashiki rocking, Malcolm X quoting, Black lives matter protesting card. 

In this day and age of social justice, trends and political, racial popularity, it has become so cool throw around buzz words such as pro-Black. Being Pro-Black is the new must have, even if you don’t actually have a Black partner. And people will fight you for the right to call themselves pro-Black. 

The Black brother on social media that swears he loves everything about his people, but yet refuses to date a Black woman. He will fight til the end to prove he’s pro-Black, he will do whatever it takes…. except actually be with a Black woman.

The militant feminist Black woman that uses every excuse under the sun to avoid dating Black men.
“There aren’t enough Black men”
“Black men don’t want me”
“All the good brothers are in jail”
“Black men ain’t sh*t”
“Pro Black isn’t anti white”.

Yes I’ve heard it all. 

Talk is cheap!

People swear that just because they speak on injustices within the community that means that they’re pro-Black. I’ve even heard people say: “a person in an interracial relationship can still buy from Black businesses; speak out on the unfair treatment and critique white supremacy. Dating someone from another race won’t make you any less Black”.

It is important that we show examples of what it truly means to be pro-Black, and not let the lines and definitions get skewed. 

A while back I wrote this post as a response to people that sleep white or asian or any other non Black race, but continue to holler at the roof tops that they are pro Black.

Can you be pro Black and in an interracial relationship?

You’re pro Black but you date a white person? 
That’s like being a Vegan but you eat meat.
A devout Muslim who eats pork.
A health conscious fitness freak who eats junk food.
A lesbian that likes dick.
A butcher who’s anti animal cruelty. 
A feminist who likes being sexually objectified. 
A trump supporter who believes in equality.
A white supremacist that loves Black people.
A pro Black conscious man who disrespects Black women. These are all oxymorons. 

So I made this video to finally give people a clear concise definition, so you can have a true understanding and dare I say innerstanding (at the risk of coming across as a corny fauxtep lol), of what it truly means to be Pro Black. 
Long story short…. You can’t date interracially and be Pro Black. This video explains why and delves a lot deeper into this topic.

Let me know your thoughts, and a leave a comment below.