Are Black Women Fetishized By White Men? – Dangers Of Interracial Dating & Swirling.
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This is a video for Black women who may be curious about dating interracially or swirling with white men, but fear the possibility of being a fetish.
Is every interracial relationship going to end up like Tika Sumpter and Serena Williams? Probably not.
There are many factors for Black women to weigh up when considering dating white men, or even men of other races when interracial dating.
What is the history of interracial dating and why is there such a push on swirling in the media as of late, especially towards Black women & white men. It seems every where you turn interracial couples are all over the place. Is this how we combat racism or is there another deeper agenda?
Why does it seem that Black love is so frowned upon these days? Hmmm! Why does there seem to be a one rule for one and another rule for another type scenario when it comes to dating outside of your race. In this video I will address the differences between social stigmas of interracial dating between Black women & white men. as well as some of the risks associated with interracial dating & swirling.
I know many people also have huge debates on whether or not someone can be “pro-Black” or not when they date interracially. I also have a video about that very topic. “Can you be pro-Black & date someone white or asian”? So many questions. Check out this video and hear my thoughts. Comment your thoughts below. Are you down with the swirl or nah?
Hey Angel ever since I started watching your videos you have inspired me to also start publicizing black people in a good way inventors etc.Even though Im 12 you have really opened my eyes and inspired me thank you.
Hopefully more of us can treat each other better so this issue would be Laid to rest
I saw a picture just now that made me log out. It was a picture of a white guy holding up a sign saying we all just need to keep f@@@@@@ until we are all the same color.
Honestly, I have always side eyed white men who compliment my skin. Living in a predominantly white are in France, I’m often fetishized so I don’t date. White french guys would wall straight up to me, ask dumb questions about where I’m from and it tales them maybe 30min to say “I’ve never seen such a beautiful black woman who speaks like you” or something along the line.
Wow thank you Angel. I never saw it the way you explained it.
People are so odd and ignorant. I have seen multiple avenues of what you have said play out. I hope people actually watch the video to the end. I get physical attraction; it is a normal thing. BUT, there is SO much more to it; exactly what you said. Stereotypes, racism, fetishes, etc. don’t end just because you are in a relationship with someone who does not look like you; it is not a pass. You CAN be all of those things and be in a relationship, family, or a friend. Swirling is beautiful when people really love each other because love is beautiful, but people are tricky and can be very misleading in such relationships, for all the reasons you stated. A relationship may start on a physical basis, but must grow into an emotional relationship (because not everyone is personality-based, basically pansexual). You can have types of features you appreciate, I get that, but stereotyping or fetishizing a person is NOT that. Yikes! If you are white and want to pursue a person that is not-white or not-all-white, you will learn about these valid, on-going issues and check yourself. If you remain ignorant, then you ARE a culprit. I don’t get how you (white people) can be with someone or pursue someone not-white or not-all-white without going over such pertinent, active issues; RED FLAG! I said white people must learn for a reason, as we are the culprit and ignorant on matters WE have caused, as well as never on the negative end of such issues, regardless of what you think or how it makes you feel. Find someone who balances you as a person, values you beyond physical features, and makes you a better human (and acknowledges the issues brought up in the video by actively ensuring they are not part of the problem).
Love your Videos!!?
Im glad you breached this topic. although I dont have a vast experience with genuinely interested white guys. I have had them spout off their “desires” to me that clearly came off as a fetish. I’ve heard the following, “I’ve always wanted to be with a black woman” ok no one asked you. “I love black women cuz they squirt” sir i asked you if you want tomato on your 6 inch sub (100% true story). “Your ass isnt that big for a black girl” again, not even the topic of conversation. these are just a few of my personal experiences. needless to say, it was a complete red flag and made me uncomfortable. It makes me feel like an instrument rather than a woman with personality, ambitions, accomplishments or valid experiences. I have to pass some smash o meter test for a simple conversation. It is disheartening for me as a black woman when even trying to consider friendship let alone dating. if you could do a vid on how black men and women dont know how to date or even relate to each other in a healthy way I’d love to hear your perspective. thank you
I was beginning to think the black race was going to go extinct but you give me hope that it’s not ❤️
its highly unlike since there more of us then all races combined
Sir, what are you talking about. African Americans only make up 13% of the US population.
Black people don’t just live in the US, Aiko.