This is an important public service announcement for Black men that hate Black women. There is NOTHING more pathetic than a Black man that hates Black women!
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Black men need to take accountability.
This is why black women don’t listen to Black men.
I am disgusted with the treatment of Black women.
Stop bashing Black women.
Addressing the most hateful Black man on social media.
The real reason why they hate Black women.
Angel Ramirez-Jordan Vs The Angryman & Jap.
These Black men have a message for Black women
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Angel Ramirez-Jordan has a message for those “men” that get on social media and even in real life and have a lot to say about women of the African diaspora. As well as the way these women are treated by these men. The lack of protection. The lack of accountability, sympathy and consideration.
There are many videos online attacking and bashing Black women.
It seems Black women have become an easy target for attack on social media. What’s even sadder is the majority of these hate videos come from Black men.
“Not all Black men”
Yes I know it’s not all Black men, but it’s too many. I have this phrase that I use “I know it’s not all, but it’s too many and not enough”. Because too many Black men are online bashing Black women, and not enough Black men are standing up and defending them.
Black women and Black men.
The media constantly promotes negative videos and narratives when it comes to Black love. Large companies like YouTube constantly push the most negative videos whilst suppressing positive videos. Anyone looking for videos of how Black men feel about Black women would automatically feel that Black men hate Black women. I know that this isn’t true, but when so many videos pop up saying the opposite, it becomes very difficult to say “not all Black men hate you”, or “not all Black men feel that way”. People go with evidence.
The reality is, there are many Black men that love and support Black women.
“Where are all these Black men?”
That’s the thing, although many Black men love Black women, the negative and hateful men speak the loudest. They always feel the need to express their hatred. It makes them feel better about their lonely, pointless existence.
They then amass a following of other losers. You’ve heard the phrase “misery loves company” right?
Well, that’s what it is.
These “men” (I use that word loosely) don’t want to look at themselves or their behavior. They lack the basic skills for introspection. So it’s easier for them to blame everything on Black women. They tell Black women to stop complaining about Black men and that “they should have made better choices and decisions”
“Choose better”
But the irony is they don’t take their own advice. They don’t look at their experiences with Black women and say “hmmm, maybe I should have chose better”. One rule for one and a completely different rule for another. It’s a very narcissistic trait. To blame others and never take any accountability.
So now you have a large following of Black men that hate Black women and think they are right and justified in their thoughts and feelings because other Black men are tapping on the back saying “you’re right my brother, it’s all their fault”.
Many of these men and their videos would have disappeared into the abyss, if we didn’t share or repost their videos. I understand that sometimes we may feel that we are highlighting the disgusting behavior and exposing these men. However, many times we’re actually giving them free promotion and introducing them to impressionable young minds.
“So what can we do?”
Silence and suppress them. Ignore them. Do NOT share their videos, do not make reaction videos. Give them no promotion whatsoever. As Black men that love our sisters, our job is to promote positivity and love towards our sisters. There needs to be more positive videos. We must take a more proactive stance rather than a reactionary position.
If you see a negative video that essentially would feed into the narrative that Black men hate Black women, then counteract it with a video expressing your love for Black women and debunk this false narrative. It will take a lot of work, as negativity always speaks louder than positivity.
In the words of Mark Twain, “A lie will be half way round the world, before the truth has even got its shoes on”.
Boycott Black Women Hate Videos
Comment your thoughts below.
Very true 👏🏾
Maybe they need to stop treating us the way white men treat them… pathetic. I do not care anymore something mentally wrong with these negro males (the ones that hate Black women). I am convinced.
You just about said it all in this video, thank you. You also pointed out something that I think black men don’t realize: This is not black men vs black women, because black women have to fight against black women too. We have to fight against the mothers who shame their daughters, mothers who prioritize their sons and ignore their daughters; black women who are also blaming black women for everything, because they refuse to admit that these black men are actually a problem.
Back when I used to try and discuss these things with black men, and they started to get too ridiculous, other black women in the comments would come and back me up, and I’ve done the same for them. I just tell them that the man they’re talking to is a lost cause, and is a waste of time. So sometimes, it really does seem like there’s a concentrated group of black women who simultaneously support each other, while fighting against everyone else.
“I’d rather have an army full of women”- and I have no doubt that when the times comes, black women will be out on the battlefield once again, ready to fight.
Thank you for talking about how black men are quick to ignore the achievements of black women and will only praise the men(Mandela etc.).
I also didn’t know that the majority of your subscribers were men. Before this video I was certain that it was women since most of the comments I see are from women.
Great information that everyone needs to take seriously.
Damn Angel Jordan-Ramirez this is OUTSTANDING and sadly TRUE
👉🏾”Some of you (Black men) have mental illness and you need help!”
👉🏾”Black women don’t even have Black women’s back!”
🔥No more needs to be said!! 🙋🏾
🔸 60% of men are subscribers to this
channel… I’ll be damn
Ngl, I recently found out the hard way that some Black women would see you suffering in misunderstood and neglected silence, rather than lift you up. I still have love for all my Black goddess, and I recognize that their failure to see me is because they don’t see themselves. THEY have hurt that gets to be uprooted so they can heal.
Still hurts though 😔.
If this ain’t the truth then….. idk wtf is man…..
you are right Angel some black men are self haters, they say they love their mom and sisters but attack people that look like them. These clowns should be kicked out of the black community. Sisters, I love you and I appreciate what you do for our community. Be strong.