What happened between Christelyn Karazin and Angel Ramirez-Jordan? Interracial Dating and Relationships versus Black Love.
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What happened when Angel Ramirez-Jordan spoke to Christelyn Karazin?
Christelyn Karazin is a YouTuber and dating adviser that specializes in interracial dating and relationships, exclusively between Black women and non Black men. Christelyn Karazin wrote a book called “Swirling: How to Date, Mate, and Relate Mixing Race, Culture, and Creed” in 2012.
In 2014 Angel Ramirez-Jordan made a video called “Why Black Women Don’t Want Us” this video was directed towards Black men expressing that Black men should change their ways when dealing with Black women. As well as, learn to love and appreciate Black women, before Black women decide they’ve all had enough Black men and start to date outside of their race in droves.
Angel Ramirez-Jordan has spoken many times on the interracial dating push and agenda by the media, as well as the government. This includes the promotion of anti-Black love. The depiction of Black love being dysfunctional whilst interracial relationships being promoted as a better option for Black women.
Christelyn Karazin Vs Angel Ramirez-Jordan
In 2015 Angel Ramirez-Jordan and Christelyn Karazin decided to have a discussion on Black love versus interracial dating and relationships. This video is a livestream discussion between the two. Angel Ramirez-Jordan’s main focus was to explain that running into the arms of a white man doesn’t solve your dating or relationship issues. At the same time he sought to provide tangible solutions for women struggling in finding the right man. His phrase “smarter dating leads to the right relationship”, is an example of how setting your standards will lead you to finding the love of your life. Christelyn Karazin however, believes that the dating pool for Black women is relatively slim and Black women should broaden their horizons. Her phrase “character over color” which implies that any man regardless of his race should be considered as long as he is a good man.
Ultimately it would appear that Angel Ramirez-Jordan and Christelyn Karazin may have the same end goal. The happiness of Black women.
But what if that is not the case.
Angel questions Christelyn Karazin’s statement of “character over color”, due to Christelyn being so against Black women dating Black men. Why does Christelyn Karazin never promote the option of Black women finding the right Black man? The reality is that Christelyn Karazin’s niche market is interracial dating. It would not fit her narrative to even consider Black love. Also Black is not a profitable market place.
The CK and ARJ Fallout
Although their views differed so much, Angel and Christelyn were able to create a friendship based on their mutual love of Black women. However, in 2016 Angel Ramirez-Jordan and Christelyn Karazin ended their online friendship. This was due to their differences on race politics, interracial relationships, white supremacy and Black love being so diametrically opposed.
Smarter Dating Leads To The Right Relationship
If you’re struggling when it comes to dating, then out my dating and relationship videos. There are many videos there that will help you in your journey.
I follow her as well and agree with ally from both perspectives but I do think she makes it seems as if it’s easier than it seem when it’s difficult . Even when you are h&w proportionate , educated, and actually good characteristics for a healthy relationship it’s not always easy for BW.
Lawd have Mercy this was a juicy conversation.
I wonder if Christelyn still thinks highly of white American men 6 years later, after Trump made blatant anti-Black racism the order of the day?
👉🏾The only white American man I would date/marry would be:
John Brown.
However he died December 2, 1862 !!
I remember this I wonder what you think of Cynthia G’s new channel direction she, Chrissie, and Paris have now become so pro swirl, and anti black. The manosphere aka the black male versions of their channels literally have built their following off of making sure they debunk her “claims” those men use her video to justify swirling I do agree with her points on hypergamy and vetting but hell to the nah on going to white men just to get a serena williams and eve lifestyle just because they went to the mayo marks doesn’t mean I want to. I have a black man that loves me
I have watched this video again and feel compelled to make these points.
1. 😬Too many people are trying to pimp Black American Women.
2. Historically we Black American women were sexually abused, sexualized, medically sterilized, traumatized, sold, impregnated against her will and had the offspring sold, to say the least.
3. 👉🏿Now in the 21st century we Black American women are socially castigated and admonished for low marriage numbers, keep in mind women don’t marry themselves.
With that said just because Black women’s marriage rates are not high does not….REPEAT, does not give reason to pimp Black women on to white American men, who largely have absolutely little to no understanding or humanity for Black American women.
4. Black American Women need the Godly love, compassion, long-term-unification of men who are humane, conscious, understanding, real supporting and knowledgeable of the plight of Black American women and her People.
Love and Peace to all reading this. Thank You 💋❤️
I LOVE this!!!! WE DESERVE our OWN empathy and especially the empathy of our life partner. They should love, nurture and adore us as the daughters of the original Black goddess we are built like, on both sides (inside and out). Love and peace to you as well Goddess ✊🏾❤️💚🖤💕🥰
Even though I’m not in a relationship, I respect black women and men that date outside their race if it’s true love. I have to admit that I have crushes on some non black girls, however, I believe it’s important that we promote black love because within our people we have a lot of self hate. I hope one day I find a sister that likes that I like, I’m sort of mixed on this video but I understand both points.