Why Do White People Steal So Much?

Statistically white people are more likely to steal & shoplift than any other race of people. This video addresses racial profiling & arrest disparities. 

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Statistically, the majority of shoplifters are actually white.

Shoplifting is one of the most common and costliest crimes. Did you know however, that the majority of shoplifters are indeed white people. 77% of shoplifters are white people. 

When it comes to retail fraud, the majority of people arrested for retail fraud are white women.

The data shows that women accounted for 40 percent of shoplifting arrests.

In terms of raw numbers, white people have the highest numbers of arrests among the different demographic groups for shoplifting, stealing, theft & retail fraud.

Arrests and charges are two different things. The data shows us that there is a racial disparity when it comes to arrests that lead to charges.  For example Black women are three times more likely to be charged compared to white women. Meanwhile, Black males were 3.5 times more likely to be charged for shoplifting as compared to white males. Consequently leading to skewed data. 

Racial Profiling

Racial attitude surveys tell us that this is one of those things where there is very often a divide in perspective. Black customers constantly report being treated differently, and we often feel that white people don’t see it or don’t understand that or don’t think it’s a big deal. So what does research tell us? 

There’s no question that there’s a significant difference in terms of attitudes of what we call felt discrimination. For example, if you ask Black people, do you think race matters when you go into a store, probably about 70, 80 percent of them are going to say yes. Likewise, if you ask white people the same question, typically less than 30 percent will say yes to that question.

Most importantly, if you look at the data, and you can go to the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting database, you’ll see that about 70 percent of all shoplifting in this country is done by white people. In fact, in some states where we’ve looked at the data, what we call the modal group that’s most likely to shoplift is white women in their 40s and 50s.

But are white people most likely to be profiled?

No. Absolutely not.
More Black people are being watched & racially profiled.
Now normally the percentages across racial ethnic groups or gender or age is an indication of who’s getting caught. And who’s getting caught is a function of who’s getting watched or who’s getting profiled. However, with that being said, and the statistics showing  that more Black people are racially profiled than white people, as well as more likely to be charged upon arrests, when it comes to shoplifting…. It makes you wonder how high the numbers of white people stealing really is. 

Statistically white people are more likely to steal & shoplift than any other race of people. Racial profiling.

Statistics show white people are more likely to steal & shoplift than any other race of people.

In conclusion, you can see that the stereotypes attributed to Black people by white people as being shoplifters are incorrect. So to clarify, white people are the biggest shoplifters.