White Man Turns His Skin Black With Melanin Injections – Nuka Zeus aka Aaron Joseph Januszewski

Meet Nuka Zeus real name Aaron Joseph Januszewski, a white man that is taking melanin injections, because he decided he wants to be Black. 

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Full interview with Nuka Zeus aka Aaron Joseph Januszewski. 
Meet Jessica A Krug – The white woman pretending to be Black.
What is cultural appropriation?
What is the difference between race, nationality & ethnicity?
The skin bleaching story – From Black to white.
White women pretending to be Black women – Blackfishing.
Racial deception & Race modification.

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White man turns his skin Black with melanin injections.

This is Aaron Joseph Januszewski aka Nuka Zeus, a caucasian man that claims to want to be Black.  In a recent interview with Vlad TV, Nuka Zeus claimed to be a victim of colorism for being very pale white from his Sicilian family. He is not Sicilian at all. Nuka Zeus is a white jewish man, although he now lies to people claiming that he is Sicilian. The lies are very real.

Nuka Zeus has taken melanin injections known as melanotan, in order to be able to tan as dark as possible in the attempt to try & pass himself off as a Black man. He’s not the first white man to turn his skin Black with melanin injections & he probably won’t be the last.

Little white lies.

Nuka Zeus is a huge liar. You only have to pay attention to his stories to see that they do not match. 

In an interview that I did with Nuka Zeus he claimed that he got arrested for killing lots of white people in a mass school shooting in the year 2000. I was not able to verify any of this information. However I was able to locate his mugshot which merely states Nuka Zeus real name is Aaron Joseph Januszewski & he’s been arrested for reckless conduct. strange how a search of his real name does not come up with this mass school shooting. He also claims that he was let off this heinous crime because his mother knew the judge. Sounds about white. 

Nuka Zeus real name Aaron Joseph Januszewski and arrest records.

Nuka Zeus real name is clearly Aaron Joseph Januszewski and arrest records. As you can see he’s a jewish polish man not a Sicilian man.

Nuka Zeus has “F*ck white people” & “Black Power” tattooed on his arms. Nuka Zeus tells people that he went to jail for trying to start a mass murder of white people. Despite the fact that Nuka Zeus aka Aaron Joseph Januszewski is a white man himself. Nuka has been injecting himself with Melanotan to darken his skin, just like Martina Big. He still does not look Black though, he just looks like a dry piece of jerky.

This ladies & gentleman is Nuka Zeus aka Aaron Joseph Januszewski the white man that turned his skin Black with melanin injections known as Melanotan. This is Blackface. This is not funny or cool.