Afros, Curls, Kinks, Coils, locs, twists & Braids. We love your natural hair. Nothing is more beautiful than your natural hair, whether you’re 3a or 4c. Natural hair movement.
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There are so many videos online attacking Black women for having natural hair. Which seems strange since there is also a natural hair movement amongst Black women.
Some Black women feel like they can’t win. You have some Black men that seem to lose there mind over women with straight hair. Then those same Black men will attack Black women online if they wear wigs or weaves. Then when Black women join the natural hair movement and embrace their natural hair, again those same Black men will call them “nappy headed” and any other derogatory names you can think of.
We love your hair.
This video is to show Black women that we love you just the way you are. There is nothing more beautiful than a Black woman that doesn’t feel she needs to conform to European beauty standards. A Black woman that can wear her natural hair with pride is the most sexiest thing you can ever see.
Black women, you don’t need anyone’s validation. You can wear your crown anyway you want, in whatever way makes you feel happy. But I wanted you to know that I personally love your hair in it’s natural state. No one can compete with a natural Black woman. Black women are the most versatile group of women on the planet. It’s something that is unique to you. You look good whether your hair is straight, wavy, curly, afro, in braids, twists or locs.
Comment your thoughts below.
One of the many things that I’ve noticed during this lockdown is that going natural goes a long way, and not even just for hair. I have thick freeform locks and I haven’t had to worry about my hair not one bit. You made a good point about “what if they stopped selling weaves and perms tomorrow?” Well that has happened, and this is the perfect display of why we all need to be humble in every way and not be caught up in how we look, which would make us more beautiful anyway
I love my natural hair. Natural hair is a lot of work, but I wouldn’t have my hair any other way. Thank you for this beautiful video and reminding black women our natural hair is beautiful no matter the length or texture.
Amazing video!!!!❤️
Everything you said in this video is so true! I’ve been wearing my natural hair since 2001 and there is no other way to wear it for me. Just started my second set of locs this past January and loving every moment of it. I’m happy to be nappy!
Thank you!
Angel glad you have your website for IKYG FAM to still see your videos this video is facts
I know this was a lot work. Thanks for the love✊🏾 Everyone in the video is beautiful!🖤🌻
Hi Angel!
As always thanks so much for the knowledge… I really enjoyed the video on hair however can you please create a video on how and why black hair scientifically is so different from the European , Asian, Indian etc… I have yet to see an informational video that scientifically explains why our hair is “so different” tightly curled, coarse etc…. from the European race.
I’ve been natural since 2014 and I could never go back! I sometimes though do long for a wig or something like that but I can never go through with it and I think it is because of things you mentioned in the video. It is not of me and I love my natural so I can’t go out with a wig or weave that isn’t promoting African features.
I think it depends on your business field and what company you work in. I’ve had good response to my natural hair when it’s defined and long. I do feel like it intimated people. My company is very open with perfection expression I have a co-worker who has blue hair. Also, another with facial piercing and I work for an insurance company. I dare them to call my hair out LMAO