Are Black people the real indigenous native Americans. Who was in America first? Are African Americans aboriginals?
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If you’ve ever heard the comment “Black people are indigenous to America, we are NOT from Africa” you might be very confused. Well the video above will explain all of this and also correct some information that is floating around the internet.
Firstly, let me explain what they mean exactly. There are groups of Black people (not only African Americans) that are claiming they were always in the Americas. Whether it be the United States, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Haiti or anywhere in the Americas, both north or south.
We Were Already Here
Some Black people have now started to say that they are not descendants of enslaved Africans that were kidnapped and trafficked to America. They believe that they were always in the United States. That their ancestors were in America before the transatlantic slave trade.
They believe that they are aboriginal to the United States. In other word that Black people are indigenous to America. That African Americans are the real native Americans.
When you think of native Americans you may think of the lighter skinned “red” or “copper colored” group of people with long straight hair with feathers in their hair. Big tribal head dresses and so forth.
This new group of Black people are actually not that new. They believe that the commonly known Native American is not indigenous to Americas at all. They believe that their true birth right and land has been stolen from them.
Out Of Africa Theory
You may now be thinking, “but we’re from Africa, everyone knows this”.
They believe that when the earth was one giant land mass known as Pangea, that human beings from Africa traveled to what are now known as the continents of north and South America. They believe they were in the americas long before the mongoloid native Americans who migrated across the Bering Strait.
Slavery Told In Reverse
They also believe that the story of slavery was told in reverse. They believe that Black people were kidnapped from the united States and taken to Africa.
In this video series I will go through the truth and dissect the lies to correct all the misinformation. I truly believe that some people aren’t fully aware that what they are being told by some of these YouTube and instagram historians is a mixture lies, propaganda and miseducation.
We will discuss the slave ships, DNA testing, the Dawes Rolls, freedmen and 11,000 year old negro skulls found in Brazil. Also what if your grandmother who claims to be Native American or have Native American blood is misinformed herself?
What if some of the things they are being told are true, but it’s being misconstrued or misrepresented?
Are we African or are we aboriginal to the Americas? Are we indigenous to America? Have we been on this land since over 200 million years ago when the continent of Pangea started to break apart? Did european colonizers rename the original native Americans Black or negro?
Stay tuned to this series and find out more.
Your credibility is astronomical! Tysm for sharing all of those references. Likewise, I’m grateful for all of the clarity provided. I was trying to figure all of this out…. You’re Awesome!!
The part where Angel wrote that some of us think that we were kidnapped from the united states and taken to Africa, “Slavery Told In Reverse”. What kind of foolishness is this? I wish they would do this today. Kidnap me, please and thank you.?
This is one of the reasons why I love history and my own. Because we made society what it is today, without blacks the world wouldn’t be the same as it today. Even though I do have some native relatives in Guyana I’m still African and I’m proud of it, world history is black history.
Thank You Brotha Angel For Clearing This Up. So The Darker Skinned Indigenous Americans Are Descendants Of Australian Aborigines,Ok I See Now. And I Knew Africans Sailed All Over The WORLD And Influenced Everyone,The Olmec Pyramids Are Definitely African,And They Made The Head Statues In Tribute To Them. I For Am,And All Black Americans Should Be Proud To Be AFRICAN!!! ✊?✊?✊??????????
Can you point me to some of the sources that you reference to obtain some of the information you put in this video so that I may do my own research.
He referenced them in the video. Just type the names of the books he referenced into google and you’ll find them.
Yes!!! Thanks for putting it together. I knew we weren’t the original people of America. Kept telling people who believe that. One time I posted a black Pacific Islander result in which it showed 0% African and it pissed some of them off. Also, some of those Indians that they love to show had straight hair which isn’t a typical Black African trait.
Black Africans ( not sure how many) did come to America after The Red and BlackPacific Islanders(Melanesian) were already here and before Columbus. Those Africans that settled here, I would assume would be considered Indian too but of course with African dna. I only have a total of 4% of Native American and Melanesian ancestry( couldn’t understand how I had Melanesian until now).
I saw it in other Black American results as well. So most of our DNA is from slavery plus Africans that were already in America and some from the Americas( Red Indians and Black Pacific Islander-but, not a lot). So the people claiming we(Black Africans) are the original people is incorrect. Although there were Black Pacific Islanders (Melanesians) and Asiatic Indians(Red) already here; we just do not have much of their DNA. Melanesians are genetically closer to Asians and very genetically distant from Africans. So if we were mostly of Melanesian stock, our DNA would be read closer to Asian which it does not.
Thank you for the info brother fr you made everything I knew make even more sense . Bless yo work
People will gravitate towards things that interest them. Issue 1. All the mis and disinformation that is mixed with truth can sway anyone in the wrong direction. Issue 2. People don’t research for themselves. and issue 3. People don’t use common sense. I followed you before they booted you off Ytube. In one of your videos you used the African elephant and it’s offspring as an example of identity which was really simple to comprehend. It was also brilliant. It’s interesting to hear someone question the authenticity of DNA tests when it involves them, and then the same DNA test that confirms the white man is a Neanderthal is accepted without question.