Are Caucasians human or neanderthal? The true origins of white people & the out of Africa theory.
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Many people believe that we are part of one big human family. Some people even say there’s only one race the human race. But how true is that statement?
Are we all part of the homosapien species that left Africa tens of thousands of years ago and our features and skin complexions happened to change due to different climates? Are white people just Black people? Is white skin merely caused by evolution? In addition to these questions many people actually question the out of Africa theory.
How different are different races of humans? How different are caucasians to Black and asian people? Let me answer this question “Are Caucasians human or neanderthal”?
Therefore in this video you will learn about the origins of the neanderthal commonly known as the caveman, the denisovan and the homosapien. I will break down the true meaning of social construct, therefore better arming you against people that try to dismiss your race or color by saying “but we’re all one race the human race”.
In conclusion.
Check out this video and hear my thoughts and after that comment your thoughts below.
This is crazy because I asked this question not too long ago and then boom you make a video
I honestly thought all this information was well known and quite obvious to most (outside of racists)… I guess not. Thank you for putting this together and taking the time to enlighten us all! I’m white and have known much of this since I was young; likely due to my own curiosity and research, as well as more proper education in college (this is not normal.. I was lucky to have professors that went above and beyond, which is a sad realty). But, I have also seen soooo many people get this seemingly obvious stuff incredibly wrong and not be willing to listen to actual data, no matter how kindly you try to explain. I guarantee most just clicked off the video because they got mad they were wrong, or whatever their excuse may be. It makes no sense how a person could shut themselves off to legitimate data and, instead, be okay with listening to an education system built off of racist ideologies. Data is what it is regardless of how it may or may not make you feel 😂. Anyways… great job! I hope your content continues to spread regardless of YouTube’s racism, the stealing of content by other (usually white) creators, and flawed digital gap / algorithms. Keep it up!
Thank-you ☺️ for that comment.
I knew it! I just didn’t know how to explain it, people always shutting me down because of that. Thanks for a proper explanation Angel!
This was amazing to learn because generations of my family have been born and raised in Somalia and we left to come to the uk when i was about two kinda want to see what family history i have now😁thank u this was very interesting to learn
Tell me you know the history of the Nile Valley Contribution to the world
thank God this video is here after your chanell was terminated i swear i was heart broken
Clear facts always gets trolls at some point. Thank-you as always 😊
True And 😂😂😂😂😂
Dam😂you scientifically clowned em with truth. Great break down because im a nerd so ta speak but ppl think because i know these things that i “hate whyts” but even a big amount of whites kno this info. But i don’t be as perfect with breaking it down because i ve been distracted by depression. (Which i admit i have and i know the orgin of it is the different adversities of being a black person/ a black woman) anyhow i am usually up to being a volunteer teacher of African studies and also black psychology. These things and discussions i take to heart😊