Stop Dating Crazy Women & Walk Away From Toxic Girlfriends

Why you should avoid toxic crazy women & how to spot a toxic girlfriend. 

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We’ve all heard the jokes about crazy women having amazing powers in the bedroom. But should good sex, really be a reason for you to stay in a toxic relationship?

We often talk about toxic men. but what about toxic girlfriends & crazy women? 

Most of the time it’s expressed that it’s completely acceptable for a man to be in an abusive relationship with a toxic girlfriend or a crazy woman.
In fact many times men themselves are blamed for the actions of their unstable girlfriend. “What did you do to make her crazy?”, “Is she toxic or did you make her that way?”, You must have driven her off the edge, it’s probably your fault”.
That thought process in itself is “crazy” & “toxic” especially since if it was the other way round you would be chastised for implying it was the woman’s fault. But why do we find it totally acceptable to attack men that are victims of spousal abuse. 

Men’s pain is funny.

The above video is even a depiction and representation of how when men are victims of toxic relationships, they are laughed at, it’s seen as comedy. Could you imagine if I made a video of me threatening a woman with a knife in the name of comedy? I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t go down well. 

So why do we make so many excuses for women that are abusers? We would never do this in the reverse. Making an excuse for an abusive man is paramount to victim blaming. 

Toxic Relationships Are Not Normal.

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