Are you sure you’re ready for a relationship? These are some signs that you may not be ready for a relationship.
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Now THIS is good dating advice!
Nice video.
I think when we actually go through the healing process we come to this place where we have to decide if we’re gonna be alone and heal or if we’re gonna snatch up another person and have another practice partner…. Or if you’re gonna do things differently. I believe when you do the latter… You get to a place where you’re really really ready.
When we do the work something really really magical actually takes place. Not only do we find ourselves and heal but we also find that person that we’ve wanted all our lives and that checks every box.
To me that’s important bc at the end. Of the day noone wants to wake up to someone that they not really feeling all like that everyday. Cuz not only do you know in your heart that this is not quite right… That other person knows that your body is there…but your heart… Your soul… Your spirit… and your mind…Is some where else.
From personal experience and from people I knew it’s like when you settle… Your try and try to make it work.. but you begin to feel kind of trapped. Like damn I thought that I could try to live this way for the rest of my life but I can’t… Then u end up looking at your spouse like eww why do your ears wiggle when u chew… Like u just find dumb stuff to be disbursed over .. lol.
I also like the part where you talk about TPP and acknowledge that we as beings are composed of multiple components such as body, heart, soul, spirit, and mind. With that acknowledgment, we also realize that we exist on multiple Fields as well. from the physical plane … All the way to the Quantum field…
I think that beautiful and special things happen somewhere between healing and being whole and tapping into our higher self. Because as we do these things we gain access to our akashic records and by doing this we actually realize that we gain more when we refuse to settle for a another temporary practice partner.
I also think it’s important to know that choosing temporary practice partners does not go with out consequences and repercussions… especially once we actually find the person you know that your soul recognizes as “the one” choosing another temporary practice partner doesn’t go without karma because we can’t use other people to fill our voids… That is against spiritual law just as much as taking someone’s free will to choose what they actually want is against spiritual law.
I think that TPP is a very nice way of saying karmics. And karmics bring more lessons, soul entanglements that also carry over to new lifetimes, and karma… But when we refuse to engage with additional karmics, and we clear up what we can’t take back… And dead going backwards…and we learn to focus on our self, our purpose and our Soul Contact…we really do access higher learning and Divine guidance!!
Really…awesome things do begin to happen when we learn to deny ourselves of our own selfish desires such as just wanting someone to be around or wanting to just move to another person so that we don’t have to go through the healing and stuff like that by ourself…
and when we tame those earthly or fleshly or human desires we really just kind of break into another realm of understanding of life.
one of my favorite books titled The Seat of The Soul talks about this. It talks about not using other human beings to fill your own voids. I feel like this is noteworthy because being really really ready for your next relationship, this book, and understanding how we can use people unintentionally all go hand in hand. But the really beautiful thing is after this place is when you propel toward healing and higher consciousness and this is the place that you actually meet the person that you really really wanted all your life.
This is the stuff that Ciara was talking about. Because I know a lot of people felt like she wasn’t giving up all the information that she could about how she met Russell Wilson and got married. But I feel like she gave people the most important detail which is that she prayed and she worked on herself… And that really is all that it takes cuz everyone’s healing journey is going to be different.
Furthermore if someone gives you every key every step of the way you don’t really learn because your soul doesn’t really grow you’re just following a template
.. hoping to get what u want… But u still have the traumas and triggers cuz you’re not healed.
and in that case you’ll never really be ready for the next relationship cuz you’ll still bring the baggage from the old relationships and unhealed childhood wounding and traumas to this new thing and it won’t work because if both parties don’t do their healing exercises it’s not going to work. we go through a lot in this life especially a lot of abandonment neglect and rejection. so those things have to be healed in order for one to really really be ready for the next relationship.
Because let’s say for example a girl may have been rejected before or abandoned by her parent or anything that pertains to not being cared for properly…and she never really got over it… she may still have something within her that constantly craves attention in order to feel validation…that constantly needs attention or approval from men i e a lot of likes or you know her self-esteem is pouring in a dumps you know.
Well with that being said you know there may be no room in this woman’s life for healthy love to come in…. Because energetically there are tpp in this space. All those likes that she depends on… All that certain people she knows is gonna say things to make her feel good…
They are energetically taking up space that does not belong to them.
Those unhealed things create rips and tears in the energetic body… We have to go in and cleanse and heal those spaces and seal up the outer body aura once it’s healed. We have to be whole first to be whole as 2 becoming one. We have to be able to tell the difference between a Divine counter part and a karmic no matter harmless or how similar they seem.We have to dead karmic cords of attachments correctly and remove those bonds completely. We forget that love is an energy. You have to make room for it. And respect it’s strength. All that neediness for likes and attention occupies space… And we knowingly or unknowingly are addicts for attention.
(Nuri wrote about a concept Love in Chocolate and Roses… And I think the concept applies here… When I tapped into Self love and came out of a place of low key conceite or cockiness… I nolonger ate tons and Tons of chocolate… I used to Love it… But now it kind of makes me nauseous. Self love is more then a catch phrase… And when you do the work… Things change… You nolonger care about or need certain things.)
Healthy love is a subtle love… but because she’s going to think that if this man is not all over me or constantly giving me attention or constantly liking my pictures or constantly commenting on my post that he must have lost interest in me or you know he he doesn’t like me anymore when in reality that’s not the case you know that female may just have something to her that she still has to heal in order to come into union with the person that she’s been waiting for all her life. She still has to work on self love because constantly needing attention to feel wanted is an abandonment or neglect trigger.
But Ciara really really did give people the blueprint but a lot of us are so lazy that we don’t want to do the work and we just want instant satisfaction and instant gratification and just have this my way my way my way type of demeanor and mentality about our relationship goals that we never never really get to the good parts.
one other thing that I wanted to comment on is the versatility in being a sapiosexual. I think it’ll always be ammo even when you’re not necessarily learning anything from a person cuz like you have so much to discuss and like go over and just different life lessons even that you’ve all learned or different experiences. To add, for me at least I know that there are other things like someone just really bearing their soul to you… Or really showing you like this is who I am… Or trusting you without reservation… and then someone also allowing you that same courtesy without any type of judgment … Or clauses… or even just being able to see like this person gave me my own clean slate like they’ve never been hurt or let down before…idk… it’s also about what u see I a person… their vulnerability… and the fact that they got heart…like you know what I mean… that’s awesome…
.I think it’s always something to dive into I mean it’s a lot they could do…. Or talk about… Sometimes the its more about allowing someone to fully see you and like bearing your complete soul and given another person access to your complete soul in order to help you shape you mold you and or learn you. I think it’s going to always be something for sapiosexuals to be intrigued with with one another.
and I don’t really know if you are just speaking in general relationships or if you were talking about Divine relationships I don’t know maybe I spend too much time in 5D. but I know that when we actually do the work and we meet the person that we’ve actually always kind of knew existed…like It had to be an opposite to me when you meet that person it is a bit overwhelming and then you kind of experience feelings and emotions that you didn’t even know that you can still get kind of like in a very like child like way.
and I think that sometimes men forget just how black and white sometimes that girls can be in their feelings and their emotions and like even as a grown woman like when you really like somebody you still could feel like butterflies like all the s*** you feel when you was little when you first start talking to boys when you meet THAT person.I think you’re right you know we all are a bit superficial and that’s okay because that comes with self love like wanting what you want and having the audacity to believe that you can actually have what you want in this life…
…but with that being said men should remember that you know when women are superficial is still in a kind of childlike optimistic way…like if a woman wasn’t interested in you …unless she’s like out to get something form you… or on games…I don’t think she’ll be around at all cuz girls are weird…girls are crazy girls you know pretty much decide whether they’re going to marry this person and name their first three kids before the first date.Lol.
He’ll be thinking she’s not interested… Meanwhile she’s at home listening to Lauryn hill’s tell him on repeat.
Or Idk… Guys these days are offended or put off by getting k…. In a text… K could just meant I wanna say a lot more… But what if I say too much… So she just says k. Cuz can he handle it if I go there with him???? And guys are offended if you’re not constantly trying to put yourself in his spaces and energetically begging for attention. And I don’t know if you were talking about just traditional relationship or divine counterparts coming together but a lot of what men like or need to feel validated is karmic behavior. And the whole point of divine unions is to bring back the universe’s natural balance of things. So I do especially like the part when you talk about if a person likes you you know that they will come to you.
It’s important to say who that person should be as far as masculine and feminine rolls go…because you know when we’re dealing with Divine counterparts Divine feminine’s understand spiritual law and divine feminines understand that you can’t do anything to pull the Divine masculine in…and he has to come on his own the most that she can do is be like hey you know you’re my person if given instruction to do so…or something like that but anything else trying to be something that you’re not trying to do things so just like get this person’s attention is against spiritual law and just being patient and waiting for things to take place naturally is going to have a counter effect on what the unions are actually for.
Because if one person is still attached to karmics but he is in soul union with the divine counterpart…. The karmics drain that divine energy to try and duplicate her energy signiture… Which puts her in spiritual danger. Aka energy vampireism and spiritual rape. Aka if your person not ready… You’re not ready either.
I think it’s important in a relationship for men to be men… Unblur all of these wired feminist lines and all of these wired gender bending lines… and they have to let go of things that we learn on this level existence or on this earthly plane and considered to be normal when we look back in history there is absolutely nothing normal about women chasing after men and trying to pull men in…that opens up a whole lot of what we’re currently experiencing now… men that have lost their armour….
Men have learn to deny whatever gratification constant female attention gives him and learn how to manage his masculine energy properly so that he’s not swayed by karmic things.
I also think that men’s confidence is extremely important and that’s why healing is so important prior to being able to come into Union so that you’re not you know expecting this person to fix all of the broken pieces of you …
you have to start doing that work on your own because the mission of man and woman coming together and raising the vibration of the planet yes great for them but their relationship is not just about them it’s about the Divine’s plan and what the Divine wants to use that relationship for a really good example of this that I see is when I watch Beyonce’s superpower video I think that video does a really good job of explaining divine counterparts in Divine relationships and their reconciliations or especially when it comes to understanding the feminine energy.
Likewise I think a video that does a really good job explaining why the divine feminine may have so many reservations you know like the Divine masculine may think that you know she’s no longer interested or that she found someone else and that’s not the case it’s just that she she can see …she’s your spiritual eye right …. So he’s thinking these destructive thoughts… but the whole time she like in la la land on cloud 9… Just waiting…
so with that being said Its just certain things that she may be aware of that the masculine energy may not be aware of and a really good video that I think that that shows that would be Nicki Minaj’s your Love video and just how careful she has to be when the divine masculine still likes karmic flattering…
It shows what could happen if he does not put karmic entities in their place without room for wiggle n what could happen if he doesn’t.
it’s not only to the masculine but to the Divine Feminine. So idk if you were talking about men or women when you talked about wasting time… But I think Divine relationships are about bringing natural balance back to spaces… So Masculine energies aren’t waiting on Feminine energies to be more karmicy are they?????
Just want I needed during this time
“Deeper than skin surface!!”…Angel
🔥This statement says so much