This is the most amazing video from Black women I have ever seen. Black men, this video is for you.
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Thank you to all the ladies that participated in the “Why I Love Black Men – IKYG Challenge” I tried to use as many video as I could. You are all appreciated.
I am firmly agreeing with these beautiful Black young ladies expressing their love for themselves and loving Black Men. They took the words out of my mouth.
This is a beautiful and very accurate representation of black women’s love for black men. So many black women are hurt by black men and are easily ready to give up on them. It’s all about who you surround yourself with. Leave those broken, mother hating, self hating confused black men alone, they need to figure their shit out and learn to love themselves. Those lost black men have no business dating yet and black women certainly don’t need them as their practice relationships. If you’re a black women and you love yourself you can identify a black man that loves himself too.
I feel loved and encouraged by the number of sisters in this video that came and shown their love for me and many other good brothers. My heart feels touched and I smiled, even though I’m not at the age to marry and be a dad, but I know that there are sisters out there that love me for me. Also they care for my well being and who I am as a prince becoming a King. Thank you so much Sisters for your love, I also love you too, peace.