What Is A Mammy?

Are Black Women That Love Black Men Mammies? Or Black women in interracial relationships with white men? Find out what & who a real mammy is.

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There seems to be this new phrase that floats around among Black women that date interracially with white men. 


These women that seek out interracial relationships seem to have. big issue with Black women that love Black men. They refer to them as “mammies” or “pick me’s”.

This group of Black women worship white men, and have been chastising and mocking Black women who love Black men by referring to Black love as “struggle love” and calling those same Black women who believe in Black love and support Black men “mammies”. 

But what is a mammy?

This video breaks down the actual facts in regards to the word “mammy” and who would truly be considered a “mammy”.

Why does it seem that Black love is so frowned upon these days? Hmmm! Why does there seem to be a one rule for one and another rule for another type scenario when it comes to dating outside of your race. In this video I will address the differences between social stigmas of interracial dating between Black women & white men. as well as some of the risks associated with interracial dating & swirling.

I know many people also have huge debates on whether or not someone can be “pro-Black” or not when they date interracially. I also have a video about that very topic. “Can you be pro-Black & date someone white or asian”? So many questions. Check out this video and hear my thoughts. Comment your thoughts below. Are you down with the swirl or nah?